Saturday, January 6, 2018

An awesome teen party! Tips and ideas part one

Its almost my b-day, and I being a teen, enjoy parties. So here's some ideas to have a fun teen party, that's not kid-dish, but still fun!

If you are doing a party at home, Party City has a ton of decor that's a good price, you aren't paying to much for it and get awesome things! Some times i just wander through and pick up something for my room. ðŸ˜‚😂😂

For tableware, they have many different colors to chose from. (I'm going to use purple and silver premium for my examples, as they are two of my favorite colors.) 

I love that they have not just plain colored dishes, they have patterned, and fancier ones as well. 

These are more fun tableware, like a picnic or just a fun birthday party. 

These are more formal, a fancier party, but still a good price!
these are my favorite, you can use them for tea or coffee and they are cute!!!!

There is many more colors, choices ect. I feel like the premiums are more fancy, if you want a fancier party, or the colors as a less fancy, though you can probably get the color ones to be fancy as well, you never know (or i just haven't tried...... ðŸ˜‰) 
 If you want to see the Party City Tableware color choices Click here

For more of a fun party decorations, i would say go with the plain colors, or the multi-colors, like the rainbow. 

this one is one of my favorite decoration sets. They have all purple, all blue, all black, you get the idea. This one is their "Multicolor decorations." They also have rainbow, which is darker bolder colors. For the Multicolor Decorations
Click Here

For a little more elegant, fancier decorations, I would say use Gold Decorations or Silver Decorations


For an in between decoration idea, for a fancier fun party i would say do the "Pastel and Gold Decorations" For theses decorations Pastel and Gold Decorations

Of course you have to streamers! They have a ton of different colors and patterns.
 These are my personal favorites. There are many more though!!!
For streamers Click Here

So that's all for the things you might want to buy (besides the food😉)

So i took the photos from Party City's website, so thanks to Party City, and I hope this helped you! Keep a look out for the next part

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